The Journal of Speculative Philosophy
- Medium: Not Classified
- Years: 1867-1893
- State: Missouri
Journal of Speculative Philosophy
The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Professor William T. Harris, LL. D., editor and proprietor, was the highest-class periodical ever issued in St. Louis.While its name prevented the masses of readers of periodical literature from even examining it, its contents display the fact that literature, art, science and music were familiar topics of treatment. It was issued quarterly; the first number appeared in January, 1868, and from that date until 1888 it appeared regularly. The last volume is composed of irregular issues from 1888-1893…A large portion of the contents was written or translated by Professor Harris, and a prominent feature of the Journal consisted of translations from Hegel, Rosenkranz, Fichte, Goethe, Kant, Vera, Leibnitz, Schelling, Schopenhauer and Descartes. In 1880 the periodical was transferred to New York…That a magazine of its class and aims should have originated in St. Louis, instead of Boston or New York, is one of the surprises occasionally occurring in the field of magazine literature.
(From the Encyclopedia of the History of Missouri by Alexander N. De Menil, 1901).
Published by George Knapp and Company. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Charles Darwin were counted among the magazine’s readers and correspondents.