tv Halls of Fametv Personalities

Parker Wheatley

KMOX 1958-1985

Inducted 2011

Parker Wheatley came to KMOX-TV in St. Louis following an 11-year stint at WGBH radio and television in Boston, where he was the station manager. Prior to that, he’d done his broadcast apprenticeship at radio stations in Indiana and Chicago. His career at KMOX-TV/KMOV-TV began in 1958 as director of public affairs. He produced a daily “Eye On St. Louis” program which even included Dr. Martin Luther King as a guest. After retirement, he was still seen for another 14 years on the station’s “The People Speak” public affairs programs. His co-workers recalled his commitment to producing serious programming on commercial television. Wheatley was given numerous awards over the years, including a citation from the Lovejoy Society for his contributions to civil and human rights.

Hale, Jim

Shaw, Amy

Rothschild, Jim

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