Mark Abels – 2010

Mark Abels spent more than 35 years helping people communicate clearly, concisely and effectively. Mark served as a senior communications executive at two major airlines – Northwest and TWA. He was responsible for public relations, employee communications and inflight entertainment, and headed up community service projects including the volunteer airlift of millions of pounds of emergency relief supplies following natural disasters in the U.S. and Asia. He was also active in politics, running statewide political campaigns and serving as press secretary to a U.S. Senator. He was a senior vice president of a major international public relations firm, general manager of a state radio network and was a principal in Kratos Global Strategies. He taught public relations at the University College at Washington University. He is a member of the Salvation Army’s National Advisory Board, vice chair of the Army’s St. Louis Regional Advisory Board, and held leadership posts with St. Louis Variety – the Children’s Charity – and the Gateway Chapter National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

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