The job of Action Central is NEWS…the compilation and reporting of daily events from the four corners of the globe, and beyond. We live in a fast-moving world, not necessarily of our own making. None-the-less it is a world of speed where each fleeting moment has its hope and despair, its good and its bad. The job of Action Central is to bring these daily events into focus, to clarify their intent and content, with a minimum loss of time. The Action Central reporter is not a commentator. He does not take time interpreting the news for his listeners. He presents news as it happens – leaving the basis and reasons up to the listener himself. The Action Central report is brief, concise, and unbiased. It is modern news, geared for modern listening.

In the 13 months since its inception, Action Central has established an outstanding reputation. This reputation comes from constantly staying in touch with the city, county, state, national, and world news sources. Of special interest to WIL listeners is local news. By instituting a “News Tip Wire,” Action Central has brought the scope of local news directly to the citizens of our community. “News Tip” has become well known. An on-the-spot account of a local news event can be phoned to Action Central by anyone. Merely by calling the “hot line,” Olive 2-0440, anyone can get in on the news coverage. At the end of the week, the Action Central News Staff looks over the various calls made and picks a winner for the best story of the week. This lucky honorary reporter becomes the recipient of a new Zenith transistor radio for his efforts. The tip service was, and still is, very successful.

Action Central is a hot spot. Served by the Associated Press, the United Press International, the Western Union Sports Wire, and the U.S. Weather Bureau Wire, WIL adds the mobile news cruiser and news tip information, to channel without delay ALL news to the fingertips of the reporter on duty. For him it’s a constant race against time. He has two deadlines an hour. By comparison, a newspaper only has one deadline a day. The Action Central reporter is constantly writing, re-writing, phoning, verifying. No news can be broadcast unless it is definitely verified. And this is most necessary where news tips are involved.

Bob Hardy opens the newsroom at the beginning of the day. At ten he’s joined by either Bud Clark or Paul Bair, with Gene Chase or Paul coming in at three in the afternoon. That gives the advantage of two men in Action Central at the peak times of the day, when news is being made. Reed Farrell takes over double duty at night from midnight to six, frequently checking the news sources while spinning records on his all night show. News doesn’t take a break…it happens at all hours of the day and night. And the WIL listener can be assured, when a story breaks…Action Central will break it immediately!

(From a WIL ad that ran 2/59).