Dan Forrestal – 2016

Dan Forrestal began his career in St. Louis as a print journalist for the Globe-Democrat, where he worked for 19 years in sports, features, news and assistant managing editor. He also served as a war correspondent for that newspaper and for CBS Radio. Dan joined Monsanto in 1947 as the assistant public relations director. Twenty seven years later he retired as Director of Corporate Public Relations, having earned the collective respect of his peers and members of the news media. Monsanto presented him with an unprecedented award, naming him the “Conscience of the Company.” He chaired various national public relations societies and in 1974 he received PRSA’a Golden Anvil Award  for lifetime achievement. Dan was co-author of the college text, “Public Relations Handbook,” as well as a number of corporate histories including “Faith, Hope and $5,000,” chronicling the first 75 years of Monsanto.

Categories: AD / PR HOF