The Salutory From the First Issue

With this number we begin the issue of a new monthly magazine, “The Herald of Music,” which we hope will be heartily welcome in the music world. We shall use every effort to make it not only interesting and popular, but also of such a character that it will further the cause of musical progress, especially in the West.

Among the leading and more attractive features to which we expect to add from time to time, if the success of our enterprise warrants, is, in the first place:

The publication each issue of twelve to sixteen pages of vocal and instrumental music, which will be mainly of a light, melodious and popular character, and yet will contain nothing trashy or vulgar. We shall endeavor to show by these publications that music of a higher class is not necessarily heavy or uninteresting. We feel certain that not only the general public but musicians, amateur and professional, will find much to interest them in this department.

Besides this strictly musical section we shall present discussions by prominent composers and eminent teachers upon such topics as are of general interest to the musical public.

There will also be reviews and criticisms of new compositions of note, written by thoroughly competent musicians and critics, which will be of great service to those who are on the lookout for new music.

Special care will be taken in the collection and editing of both general and local musical news, including correspondence from the different music centers of the United States and Europe, so that our readers will be kept informed of all important events in the musical world.

Another department which we expect to make of general use as well as interest is one which will contain practical hints and instructions to students of both instrumental and vocal music. This will be contributed to by teachers of known capability and experience.

In conclusion we would say that our aim is to bring before our readers everything which is good in musical science, theory, history, biography and literature, and if we succeed it is our expectation that the musical public will give us the support that our enterprise may deserve.

(Originally published in The Herald of Music, 7/1897).