Radio Articles
KSD’s First Eleven Years
It is eight o’clock p.m. on the evening of March 9th, 1922. In a room in the Post-Dispatch Building, a group of artists are patiently waiting. In another room close by, the engineer is making final adjustments to the 20-watt Composite Transmitter. With the adjustments completed, the ready signal is given!
A newspaper woman steps up to the microphone— (V.A.L. Jones – pictured)
“This is Station KSD, the Saint Louis Post-Dispatch. We are about to present our first musical program for your enjoyment.”
Out in the city a mere handful of listeners sat with their headphones clamped to their ears, nervously adjusting the cat whisker of their crystal sets for a more sensitive spot on the crystal – such was the atmosphere of the time when KSD was launched upon its career. The listener response to KSD programs was instantaneous and gratifying.
On March 21st, 1922, Station KSD inaugurated a regular schedule of Market and News broadcasts in addition to its entertainment service.
It soon became apparent to the Officials of the Post-Dispatch that Radio presented an opportunity for the newspaper, through its Radio Station, to give its readers an additional public service, such as was presented by no other local newspaper. To accomplish this, plans were made for the erection of a more powerful radio transmitter, incorporating all the refinements then known to effect good quality transmission of speech and music.
On the evening of June 26th, 1922, with appropriate musical setting, and addresses by the radio editor, Mayor Kiel and F.W.A Vesper, KSD’s Modern 500 Watt Western Electric Transmitter was dedicated. With this new transmitter, KSD soon became a national by-word.
KSD decided early in 1926 to enlarge its schedule of Network programs as it was felt that this type of service offered greater opportunities to secure programs of the highest type.
The popularity of KSD in this territory bears out the fact that the radio audience is not satisfied with any talent but the best.
With a record as a broadcasting pioneer that in many respects is outstanding in the Middle West, KSD recently commenced its twelfth year, having presented over 26,000 hours of programs since its inception.
The record of KSD during the past eleven years in broadcasting virtually every event that has interested the entire country, is truly an enviable one.
(Originally published in the Radio and Entertainment Annual Personality Book, 1933)