Radio Articles
The First KSHE Promotional Brochure
Station Policy
In this era of “Modern Radio”…resplendent with frenzied format…rapid-fire rhetoric…ear-splitting shrieks…and programming designed to set your teeth on edge…radio listeners are casting about frantically in this cackling cacophony (where even static can be soothing) for the small…still voice of sanity…programming designed to be listened to…with delight…not delirium.
In light of this need for common-sense listening and enlightened programming…K-SHE has painstakingly planned its listening day for the discriminating listener who expects more from radio than radio has been able to offer…until K-SHE.
Our format is adult programming for adult taste…adult intelligence and adult preference. Programming with a purpose.
K-SHE is the radio station in which people are interested.
Meet the Lady of FM
K-SHE began operations on February 11, at 94.7 Megacycles, serving an area, roughly circular, within fifty miles from Crestwood. Although she is still a very young lady, K-SHE has acquired a reputation with her listeners as a “good music” station, programming over 26 hours of better classical music weekly. This is almost double that of any commercial FM station in the area.
Full Dynamic Range Sound is heard exclusively on K-SHE. This is an electronic system, whereby music is reproduced and transmitted to the listener in exactly the way the artist performed it – the pianissimo passages are heard pianissimo – the fortissimo passages are heard fortissimo. Nothing has been added – nothing taken away. Music is alive – as though the work were being performed in the listener’s home.
Inherent in the FM system is good frequency response and freedom from static, distortion and natural or man-made interference. K-SHE has been painstakingly designed and constructed to take every advantage of these qualities. No effort or engineering talent has been spared to make K-SHE the finest-sounding station in this area. Distortion and compression on K-SHE have been brought to such a low level that they are almost unmeasurable. K-SHE sound is THE finest sound in the area.
Frequency response is flat to a fantastic range, far beyond the requirements of the FCC technical standards. Proof? Ask any listener.
Station image has carefully and rapidly been built into the operation of K-SHE. The call letters are always given with a female voice, with emphasis that K-SHE is the “LADY OF FM” with many moods. She is sophisticated, unpredictable, with the continental touch and ALWAYS INTERESTING.
Success? Many letters received by K-SHE are addressed to “the Sophisticated Lady” – “the Unpredictable Lady” – “the Lady of FM” – etc. Many telephone callers ask to speak to “The Lady.”
Finally, K-SHE is known as “:the station that DARES to be DIFFERENT.”
K-SHE is the area’s only FM station with a balanced program schedule; one that was designed, not an accident. Its programming is patterned after but not copied from successful FM operations in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.
“Raconteur” nightly with Bud De Weese.
“Madamoiselle” weekly.
Garden Time weekly.
Cocktail Hour nightly
Over 11 hours of Comment weekly.
Musical Comedy nightly
Variety and Comedy nightly.
Over 4 hours of Comedy weekly.
Over 4 hours of Broadway Musical Comedy weekly.
Chain of Events.
News at the local level with weather every hour at the half hour during the day and between programs at night.
Complete performance each Sunday evening at 9:00 P.M. on “Night at the Opera.”
Profiles in Jazz – two hours of better Jazz each Sunday at 4:00 P.M.
We’re not sorry – none on K-SHE.
You’ll find a veritable kaleidoscope of worthwhile, better listening on K-SHE, the station that truly DARES to be DIFFERENT.”