“If you are satisfied with this specimen number of our paper, subscribe for it.”

I present to the public the Sentinel, a weekly Religious and Secular Newspaper, the regular publication of which will commence about the 20th of April.

It will be, for the present, the size of this sheet – quarto form, eight pages – four devoted exclusively to Religious and four to Secular and Miscellaneous matter.

It is not the organ of any party, or of any denomination of Christians, nor will it be under its present management.
It is a private enterprise, owned and controlled by myself alone, and is undertaken from a conviction of the great need of such a paper, and because no one else has undertaken to supply that need.

I most cordially and earnestly invite the ministers and members of all denominations, as well as the friends of good order and sound morals, to give us their aid in sustaining a paper which, while it will give weekly a full summary of the progress of general events in all departments which ought to interest a Christian community, will, at the same time, inculcate and seek to illustrate and enforce a pure Catholic Christianity, free from, and ignoring all partizan (sic) isms, either Political or Religious.

Terms, $2.00 a year, invariably in advance. Any one sending ten subscriptions, with the money, will be entitled to an additional copy.

Subscribers in the city, when served by Carrier, $2.50.

P.M. Pinckard, Editor and Proprietor

(Originally published in a speciman of the Sentinel, 3/26/1864).